First the mews... I'll get it out of the way because David says I'm boring as I only ever talk about the cats. Posky's test results came back showing normal levels of protein and creatinin in his urine which is very good news :O) He doesn't have to have any medication apart from his potassium supplement at the moment (as there is some problem with getting the tablets from the supplier right now he has to have a liquid, which he hates but is very good about taking). I'm supposed to take both him and Mrs Pod to the vets first thing this morning for urine tests (and in Mrs P's case, a foolhardy vet wants to check her ears), but I had a very rough week with one thing and another, and then an even rougher weekend, plus a terrible night's sleep, so I really don't feel like wrestling with two reluctant cats. Therefore Posky has a reprieve and it's just Mrs P to be man-handled into the cat basket. I'll take Posky later in the week once my nerves have recovered, can't really vouch for the vet's though.
The last few weeks at work have been spent trying to sift through CVs and interview people for a new post. You would not believe how difficult this has been. We thought we'd found the right candidate only to have her tell us when she was offered the job that although she said she was completely flexible with regard to hours and days she could work, what she really meant was she was completely flexible but only if we gave her the exact hours and days she wanted, oh yes, and more money. On Thursday we had a lady come in who obviously felt the job was beneath her and assumed immediately that she'd got it. I can't really describe how unpleasant she was, so arrogant and unfriendly, and she wasn't even that good at it! (I told my boss that if he hires her I am leaving). Friday brought my ideal candidate, lovely lady, excellent skills (by this time I was ready to kiss her feet and beg her to stay), but my boss isn't sure... he wants us to interview someone else today. At this point I and my colleagues just wanted to walk out en-masse and spend the afternoon in a dive drinking pina coladas...
Yesterday I decided that I should get around to reading some of the books on my shelves that I've just not had time for yet, so I compiled a TBR list.
Cranford Gaskell
Melmoth the Wanderer Maturin
They Mystery of Edwin Drood Dickens
The Aspern Papers James
The Woodlanders Hardy
To the Lighthouse Woolf
Dark Matter Michelle Paver
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller Italo Calvino
Dissolution Sansom
The Magnetic North Sara Wheeler
The Sea, the Sea Murdoch
The Master Toibin
Wolf Hall Mantell
Pale Fire Nabokov
Reading after Theory Valentine Cunningham
I've made a start and got though Pale Fire yesterday and also had a look at the Cunningham. I can't really say I enjoyed the Nabokov enough to ever want to read it again, but I'm glad I made the effort. It's certainly a very clever book, and the narrator is a wonderful creation; monstrous and funny, but I did have to skim some of his narrative as I just got bored with him. He's supposed to be the editor of a poem called Pale Fire, but he's like no editor you've ever come across before. He's arrogant, obtrusive, opinionated, bitchy, and more interested in telling his own story than listening to another.
Next I think it's Cranford for some nineteenth-century light relief (and no I've never seen the TV programme, I tried watching one of the Christmas specials once and after a few minutes felt I'd overdosed on a very sickly box of chocolates).
I shall now get ready for work, if I'm not back tomorrow morning I probably gave into the pina coladas and will have woken up in the park with a lampshade on my head and with no recollection of who I am or where I live! Hurrah!