Thursday, 16 February 2012

I'd rather be reading...

I'd rather be reading...

Yesterday I had one of those days - insane behaviour from a boss and some wayward office machinery (which I am convinced is possessed), plus my husband upsetting me a great deal when I got home.  Sometimes the only thing you can do is to tell the world (and particularly all the men and office equipment in it) to go away and then lose yourself in a book...

If that fails you can at least hurl the book at them (as long as it's a cheap one you got from a second hand shop).


Rune Eide said...

I seem to see a bit of anger through those glasses :-)

I hope the book helped!

Tezzie said...

I know how you feel...there's no greater joy (or escape) than a good book <3 I hope the men and possessed office equipment (undoubtedly, also male ;D) came to their senses at last, and that today is a better day!

Kmcblackburn said...

I'm sure it's men who invented the possessed office equipment...because they never read instructions!


Ingrid said...

I agree with you ! sometimes I could send them all to hell, but I don't know where it is ;) !

Barbara said...

RuneE - Angry? Moi?? OK maybe just a tad :O)
Tezzie - Ahhh, thank you for the kind words - I had chocolate and wine tonight, hurrah! And I won my battle with the machines :O)
Kathy - I won't argue with you on that one :O)
Gattina - LOL!!

Barbara said...

Oh boy, have I had days like that! Glad it's over and you had a good book to escape in. As for office machines, my opinion isn't really ready for prime time.

Laloofah said...

I agree, it's best if the hurled book is a cheap used one. But it should also be dense and hardcover for best effect. War and Peace, perhaps, or Volume N of The Encyclopedia Britannica,the thickest of the set. :-)

Barbara said...

I like your thinking...


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