Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Cats on Tuesday...

A week when Posky went flat... 

... and then much to Charlie's disgust
was allowed on Mrs P's blanket with her.

Charlie was so vexed he wrapped himself in a rainbow...

... then decided it was too much effort
and reverted to monotone to go to sleep.

Pepper - blog photo
And Pepper was Pepper and sent some love and hearts to the Universe... 
(including Charlie, who was unimpressed...)

Pepper - blog photo

For more kitties visit Gattina's Cats on Tuesday


Ingrid said...

I have to say that when they are vexed they look especially cute ! Thanks for the love hearts at least they are green in this Valentine's red world !

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Barbara and adorable kitties,
Thanks for sharing these portraits, so beautiful and artistic pictures!
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
Luna - We love Luna

jabblog said...

I like Charlie's rainbow - it really suits him. Pepper is so sweet sending love hearts.

The Chair Speaks said...

We love all the photos. Happy Valentine's Day!

Barbara said...

How nice of Pepper to send love hearts. I love Pepper too. It seems like a very sleepy week in your household.

Cindy Adkins said...

Such good photos of everyone! Such sweet little hearts from Pepper! Charlie looks like our Rudy! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy

Daisy said...

Hahaha! Too much color can make it hard to sleep! Although Harley is black and white and he still annoys me...


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