Wednesday 11 June 2014

Berry, berry nice...

Dreadful pun I know, still, I've had these blueberries in my fridge since Friday and have been pondering what to do with them (I bought them specifically to use for photos).  If I'm being virtuous I may throw them into some porridge for breakfast.  However, it's still early so by breakfast I may have given in to my not so well repressed inner food demon and made some muffins with them instead (

The photography set-up for these was pretty basic, a white card on a small table in front of a large window with a silver reflector to bounce back the light into the shadows.


William Kendall said...

Nicely captured.

I recommend cooking them into pancakes.

Barbara said...

Ooh good idea William! Thanks :-) said...

Muffins! Or a tarte with vanilla cream as a base? The pictures are excellent….would be great as a poster in a kitchen.

Barbara said...

Thank you :-)


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