Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Cats on Tuesday... Olympic Special

In which Charlie (representing Team GB Kitties) takes on Ralph (representing Interlopers Anonymous) in the 'Staring at each other' and 'Lurking in a concealed manner', finals.

This battle of the giants took place in the garden and was refereed by Pepper.

The Ref...

Explaining the rules to Ralph...
Pepper: 'Look matey it's simple, I AM THE LAW!'

The competition hots up...

Charlie seems disinterested - but is it a ploy?

Oh my, yes!
Lulled into a false sense of security, Ralph moves away!
Just the Lurking in a Concealed Manner event to go now...

Oh that's a brilliant move by Team GB, 
Charlie really is on top form today.
Ralph's completely lost confidence with that last event,
and can only manage a pretty poor twig concealment.
Oh dear oh dear... I think it's all over...

Pepper declares Charlie the winner -
look at that victory roll!
Ralph will really have to up
his game if he's going to take 
on a pro like this one...

For more kitty excitement visit Gattina's Cats on Tuesday.


Ingrid said...

What an exciting Olympic competition ! At least it seems so to me, because I don't watch the real once, sport is a word I don't like, lol ! But I loved all the festivities around and the opening was fantastic, usually I get bored after 5 min but here I watched til the end !! Mr. Bean and the Queen ! what a hit !

Barbara said...

That was great wasn't it?!

Laloofah said...

"Pretty poor twig concealment" - ROTFL!!!

Hooray, Team GB! (I'm sure the refereeing was completely impartial). ;-)

Ralph started out strong - had he been able to maintain that whole laid-back-ears thing, he might have taken gold, but he just lacked Charlie's staring stamina. :-)

jabblog said...

Wonderful! Cat Olympics are often more interesting than the human sort (and more frequent . . . )

Queenie Believe said...

Ever sooo much better than the human olympics!
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Ellen Whyte said...

Staredowns - they're sooooo tense! Love it.

Cindy Adkins said...

Dis is great!! MOL! You guys sure have a pretty yard for your Cat Olympics!
Buster, Rudy, Sam, and Mom Cindy

Barbara said...

Thank you!

Cindy - actually the lawn parts to reveal smoking chimney stacks and dancing NHS nurses :O)))

William Kendall said...

Oh, you've got me laughing!

Barbara said...



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