Wednesday, 18 July 2012

ABC Wednesday - A is for...

Apple - let's keep it simple.

Apple collage

Linking to ABC Wednesday.


Berowne said...

Good, appetizing post...

jill said...

I love apples x

Laloofah said...

Simplicity itself. What lovely photos!

My ABC post is the exact opposite of simple, but it does contain fruit (of a sort!) :-)

Fun to see you on ABC Wednesday again! I think it's where I found your blog to begin with, in the long, long ago. :-)

Roger Owen Green said...

simple but lovely!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Ingrid said...

Since a few months I became a terrible apple eater ! at least 6 per day, lol !

Leslie: said...

What an awesome way to do a simple apple! Stunning photos!

abcw team

Wanda said...

Love this. I use to cut an Apple the opposite way that most do, and get the "star" in the middle. In fact I used it when telling the Christmas Story to children in Sunday School, asking them what symbol of Christmas was hidden in the middle of an Apple.

You photography is so stunning.

Ann said...

Beautiful detail, great pics.

Intangible Hearts said...

Love the apple, but then my name is Eve.

Tania A said...

Beautiful images!

Michelle said...

Gorgeous collage.

William Kendall said...

I feel strangely compelled to seek out apples....


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