As she felt left out last week, Pepper wanted this week's Cats on Tuesday post to show nothing but photos of her. She also said that she'd like the post to be sub-titled 'The Magic of Pepper'. I hear and I obey.
A few Pepper facts:
She will be 13 in June.
She is the only one of our cats we've had since kitten-hood.
She is very clever.
She likes to hang out in the bathroom with whoever is in there.
She is a dainty little cat who uses her paw to pull single biscuits from her dish.
Given the chance she is a formidable huntress (although becoming the Buddha's disciple has thankfully lessened this).
She is a minx - she once rode down the stairs on another cat's back.
Her favourite toy is a plastic ring which she likes you to throw for her.
She is the only one of our cats that sleeps on our bed (for which we are thankful, as there wouldn't be enough room for us if they all did it).

Pepper shows her pretty profile...
This is her 'I'm too sexy...' look.
And she'd like to point out that it's
my shameful
lack of photography skills that make her look
fatter than she really is...
The background is the furry throw that the very nice
Sandra (whom I work with) gave to the cats.
It's very popular.
Here's Pepper looking intense...
... and finally, doing her morning yoga.
Pepper appears by kind permission of the Buddha in the garden.