Thursday, 2 January 2014


Christmas is officially over - the decorations are being packed away today (no way do they get left up until Twelfth Night).  Ralph is now experiencing gloom because all of the shiny toys he liked to trash are disappearing.  I do enjoy the build-up to Christmas, I love seeing the Christmas lights in the streets, and carol concerts, and the house looking festive.  I don't enjoy the hype, the insane consumerism and the forced jollity of it all, and right about now I'm ready to move on.  David won't want to admit this but we've grown very fond of having fairy-lights on the banisters, so we may have to keep them out (if Ralph doesn't decide to visit the curse of the claw on them and/or electrocute himself that is.

Settings: 1/30, f/4, ISO250, 35mm
Processed in LR5, texture and text added in Elements.

Linking to

Little by Little

Thursday favorite things


Deb said...

Yes, here too. Time to simplify things and tidy up. My poor tree is almost neked as the needles hit the floor. Now I am thinking Spring...

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

It is always a sad day when I put the decorations away. Everything happened so fast this year...I will be packing decor today. Thanks for joining us in our blog hop!!

Kim Cunningham said...

We still have our deco out, it mainly due to no one having the energy to take it down yet. We usually take it down on the 1st. I agree about keeping a few fairy lights out. I'm trying to find a way to do that myself. January can be so gloomy. A little sparkle would be a nice help for the month.

Ingrid said...

This year I had a Christmas overdose and put everything away after your boxing day, which we don't have in Belgium. Couldn't see a Christmas tree anymore, lol !

Stephanie said...

Our tree is still up only because I've been using it for some bokeh shots. I'll give it up this weekend though.

Katherines Corner said...

I always get a little sad when I have to take them all done. Thank you for sharing and joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. I am leaving some hugs on your sweet blog

William Kendall said...

Lovely shot!

Curse of the Claw sounds like a horror title.


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