Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Cats on Tuesday...

This week in the world of cat:  Mrs P has been doing some sterling modelling work for the camera despite yet another ear infection which saw her back at the vets last Friday.  Charlie has been carrying on his war of loathing against Ralph (who is now an almost daily visitor to the garden), and Pepper has been sticking close to home after her misadventure.  She has however, along with Mrs P and Charlie, been enjoying relaxing in the garden this week when I've been pottering about (supposedly 'weeding', but more often 'messing around with camera' instead).

For more kitties visit Gattina's Cats on Tuesday.


Ingrid said...

I have to admit, that I also prefer my models then garden work, lol !
I am sure that Pepper will stay close around the house after her misadventure !

Karen and Gerard said...

Your cats look so happy! Love the gardening shot.

jabblog said...

I'm glad Pepper hasn't gone awol again - poor girl. I think we have to take advantage of any fine weather we have - and that lends itself to photography.

Nicki said...

pictures versus weeding - no contest! Love the images of your kitties.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots of the kitties! Pepper looks quite contemplative...


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