Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Cats on Tuesday...

A week when Ralph did this...

When Pepper hurt herself trying to jump onto a window sill and couldn't walk properly for a while...

... and when it was just too hot to do much of anything except hang about in any available patch of shade.

For more kitty news visit Gattina's Cats on Tuesday.


Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a jump ! Arthur in his younger years jumped directly from the shed roof into the grass, now he does it like Ralph ! so cute pictures !

Karen and Gerard said...

Love all these pictures! Great action shot of the cat coming down off the roof!

Jeanne said...

Perfect captures of this great leap and interaction. So "catlike". LOL

Deb said...

Fabulous photos.

Nicki said...

that last look clearly says "whatz yous looking at, eh?" Fun shots (the couple of pictures with the three together looks like they could break out in Westside Story snaps and gang fight sequence.)

William Kendall said...

Quite a day for them, but too warm!

My parents' last set of cats were a pair, aunt and neice. They had a fondness of climbing up the outside brick walls to the second floor balcony.

Barbara said...

Nicki and William - LOL!

Barbara said...

The continuing saga of your cats and Ralph is fun. The fact that they had the gumption to do all this in the heat is amazing. We just sat in front of the fan and panted. So glad to have a cool, almost chilly morning today after noisy thunderstorm last night.

Barbara said...

Not quite as hot here yesterday which is a relief. It was so humid in Stratford the other day that I felt as if I was swimming in treacle!

Ida said...

These were just wonderful. I love cats and yours are gorgeous.


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