Saturday, 23 May 2015

Au Revoir...

I've decided to stop posting to this blog and start afresh, it's just become complicated to separate general blog stuff from my photography business.  Thanks to everyone who has followed and commented over the years.  For those of you who would like to still see what I (and the cats) are up to you can find me at  This will be my general blog for cats, crafts, musings etc.  My official web page is which has my business info on it, and linked to that is my official photography blog at which will mainly be for photoshoots etc. xx

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Mrs P...

Such a sad day yesterday.  I had to say goodbye to my dearest, sweetest girl Mrs P.  We had eighteen years of friendship (she was at least 20 years old), but she was struggling so much the last week or two that I thought it only fair to let her go whilst she still had some quality of life and dignity.  She loved everybody and was quietly confident (ok, she was insistent) that the affection was returned, which it always was.  She accepted all other cats on friendly terms although never allowed them to take liberties with her food or blanket.  She liked to chat to people, wriggling her paws at them at the same time, and always had an opinion on everything.  She was always there for me and I miss her so much.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

A Home Alone Day...

Today was about having the house to myself (the mogs were in but asleep - no change there).  I was going to be a sloth but then got distracted by actually doing stuff - the best laid plans etc.  I started with 30 minutes of yoga, then my campaign to eat more healthily continued with me making Moroccan style sweet potato and chick peas (the smell of the garlic and spices was delicious), with cauliflower rice.  I was rather sceptical about the cauliflower rice, but not being a fan of actual rice decided to give it a go.  I loved it! For those of you who haven't come across it, the instructions I followed are here. Amazing!  Will definitely be using it again.

Later I decided to try some still-life shots although failed to get any with the bunting that I made, I just can't figure out how to combine it with other elements so it looks as if its meant to be there rather than just happened to be in the way.  I will not be beaten by the bunting though and my search for the elusive capture continues.

If only all food were this photogenic.

The healthy lunch…

The buntingless still-life.


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