This week in the world of cat...
Because she hadn't seen her friend the Buddha
for a few days, Pepper was worried SOMEONE
(we're looking at you Charlie),
(we're looking at you Charlie),
might have harmed him in some way.
Here she is bravely searching for him in the snow
(and wearing her new gold collar with panache
it has to be said).
Thankfully, she actually discovered that
he'd been there all the time, only
she hadn't recognised him as he
appeared to have acquired a new hat.
Charlie did a soulful pose in
return for some tuna...
... gazed at his reflection in the window,
... agreed to model the new
kitchen flooring for us
(in return for more tuna)...
... then collapsed exhausted on the bed.
Mrs Pod supervised David
removing the old carpet...
(she had to be bribed with those
biscuits to keep out of the way on
the sofa)...
... then supervised the men
who came to fit the new one.
This time she had to be forcefully
removed from lying on it when
they were trying to fit it.
She's a stubborn cat...
Her work done,
she joined Charlie on the bed,
had a wash, then slept
for the rest of the day.