

Monday, 27 June 2016

Monday Morning...

I haven't actually taken any photos over the weekend - I've been too depressed at the stupidity of our country.  This morning I finally managed to pick up my camera - nothing too complicated or technical but at least I managed to find the will to point it at something and press the shutter button!

Ralph is worried in case the referendum result means he gets sent back over the fence where he came from. 

Pepper is meditating for love, peace and togetherness in our country...

Charlie sees this as a great opportunity to become PM.

I thought it was about time I got out my macro lens again...


  1. I know how you feel! It's a disaster. However, your photos are balm to a troubled mind. Love the cats (of course!) and my other favourites are the leaves.

    1. It really is bad... We can but wait and see what happens in "Game of thrones: Westminster edition"...

    2. It really is bad... We can but wait and see what happens in "Game of thrones: Westminster edition"...

  2. A bone headed, jaw droppingly stupid result.

    Cats make it all better.

  3. Feeling with you!!!
    We can feel the effect even over here in the US.
    But on a better note, I love and been enjoying your photographs and sweet blog!
    Beautiful work!
    Have a great week!

  4. Just to let you know your country isn't the only one with "issues" as I'm sure you are aware of the US Pres. race mess....It's a scary world at times.

    Thanks goodness we can use our camera's to bring joy to our lives and others. The cats are wonderful and I enjoyed the rainy leaves and the pretty peonies as well.


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