

Sunday, 28 July 2013


Here Comes the Sun...

... and when that happens you really have to go a bit vintage and hang out with a friend.

Alternatively,  you could stay home and water the plants...

... or if you're like me you can find somewhere shady and refuse to come out until it's autumn :O)

The fab models in the vintage shoot pics are Lizzie and Eva
Pretty frocks provided by Sally Sweetlove
Vintage Planes courtesy of Beech Restorations

The church is All Saints' Church at Billesly in Warwickshire (allegedly where Shakespeare got married).

For more Song-ography pics click here


  1. What fun shots of these models! Much more fun than watering plants.

  2. Gorgeous. All of it. Deb

  3. You rule when it comes to Vintage and you certainly did a bang-up job on each of these for this week's song. Saweet!

  4. All hail to the "Vintage Queen"...and that is NOT meant that YOU are vintage :). I seriously adore these vintage photo shoots. Love the attention to detail, right down to the bright red nail polish. You are right, beats watering the plants UNLESS you r taking a fab shot at it :). You rock! Thanks for linking up to Song-ography. Always a pleasure to view your art work :(

  5. Thanks all, I confess that I have little if anything to do with the fab styling of these shoots. I just turn up and point the camera in the right direction :O)

  6. What lovely models. I like these vintage shots, especially the one sitting in the meadow.
    Your flowers are pretty and that last shot was lovely. I can relate to wanting to find a cool shady spot to wait out the summer heat.

  7. Beautiful shoot! I've been itching to do a "vintage" shoot. I'm also a sucker for water shots. Just something about the life sustaining substance that makes it beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love these vintage photo shoots - LOVE them!

  9. What a gorgeous vintage shoot! I love everything about that!

  10. Send your husband to water the plants and have fun with your friends! Lovely shots.

  11. That third shot is just stunning!

  12. What a charming vintage photoshoot! I could live in that cottage the rest of my life!

  13. Great interpretations! Love the vintage clothing.. if only I could get back my vintage waistline to be able to wear those darling frocks! LOL
    And the church is such a sweet discovery. Thanks for sharing a bit of history about it!

  14. Wonderful shots of Lizzie and Eva!

    And All Saints seems strangely inviting!


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