

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Still Life...

Put the fish eye away for a while and got the trusty 50mm out for some still life shots (this week's 'homework' for the Divas and Dreams self study course) .  These are photos of some candles I got from a charity shop (I only really wanted the bead things around them).  I took them next to the window, with white card as a base and backdrop and a reflector to bounce the light from the window back onto them. 

Candle montage

Also linking to Project 52
Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley


  1. This is so gorgeous. Seems entirely right for a course called Divas and Dreams. Stunning. The high key and the arrangement are perfect. Another design triumph.

  2. Really pretty shots. I love the white background. Thanks for explaining how you took the picture.

  3. love the color on the white background....very pretty :)

  4. The day outside is gray and dreary, but these photos are almost like staring into the sun! Thanks for the dose of bright and beautiful cheer (and perhaps UV radiation). ;-)


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