

Monday 14 May 2012


Yesterday Cath and I went to Cambridge for the day.  It's only about an hour and a half from where I live so I've no idea why we haven't done it before.  (The only time I've been there prior to this was for some MA tutorials but I'd never been into the actual city centre).  It is such a great place full of little nooks and side streets, fabulous architecture, plus The Rainbow Cafe which is now one of my favourite places to eat.  The weather was lovely too - sunshine, blue skies and fluffy white clouds.  Not the easiest place to photography on a Sunday in May - there were a lot of people about - but here are a few pics anyway.

Punts on the Cam...

...and again
(No we didn't go in one - too expensive, and besides, we didn't 
like being hassled by annoying undergrads
trying to drum up trade for their particular punt!)

Two versions of Corpus Christi College...

The Rainbow Cafe entrance...
Such wonderful food - sigh...

Wisteria and bicycles...

Cambridge More architecture...

This was me trying and failing (twice!)
to get a decent shot of King's College
(founded by Henry VI in 1441)

... and this strange and wondrous object is the Corpus Christi Clock
 - see more about it here.
(That's King's College again reflected in the glass).


  1. You've just added a place to my bucket list, travel section. Yes, my bucket list has sections; I'm nothing if not ambitious. I liked all of these pictures but especially the punts and the wisteria and bikes since wisteria is a favorite of mine.

  2. Don't you just love a magical day like that, especially when they happen while you're exploring a new place? The place, the company, the weather, the food - all perfect. What fun!

    Cambridge is so beautiful, and what a target-rich environment for a photographer such as yourself! The wisteria and bicycles is my favorite! Those buildings are amazing - and so is that awesome clock! I thought that was a dragon till I read the article about it. And I learned a new word - 'horologist." That time-eating grasshopper has seemed particularly voracious this month - May is being devoured so quickly!

    Great post - beautiful and fascinating! And appetite-inducing. I want that Latvian Potato Bake, (but without the bovine secretions - or what BW calls "cow squeezin's" - please!) :-) And now that I know how relatively close Cambridge is to your home, I hope you'll return frequently too, so we can experience more of it vicariously through your blog!

  3. Thanks both :O) Yes it is a lovely place (perfect for cycling as the land in Cambridgeshire is so flat).
    Barbara - You are so organised! If I had a list I'd lose it :O) Wisteria is lovely - but Cath said it's very bad for brickwork if grown on a house (and probably full of spiders I'd imagine...).
    Laloofah - I can just imagine 'cow squeezin's' said in a Tommy Lee Jones accent! LOL! What a great description...

  4. Super set of shots of beautiful Cambridge. Surely one of Engand's most stunning cities.


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