

Monday, 21 May 2012

A bit of backlighting...

Trying indoor lighting conditions for portraits this week.  This is Mrs P backlit by the window - what I could have done was get the reflector in front of her to shine some light back on her but with cats you don't get second chances for pictures!  


  1. Lighting ia two-thirds of a photo, especially this kind. I think you did well.

  2. The lighting is beautiful, but I also love how you close to crop the photo too. Fantastic job.,

  3. I agree on the difficulty of photographing cats, you feel so grateful when you get what you want. Yours looks calm and serene but still watchful ... Great picture !

  4. My favorite part is the dainty paws!

  5. What a sweet photo! And I love her dainty dangling paws as well. (That's exactly how Willow likes to sit on the top step!) :-)


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