

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Cats on Tuesday...

Since the last exciting episode of CoT...

Pepper sniffs flowers
Pepper has sniffed some flowers...

Elvis 2
We met two cats called Misty and Elvis (this is Elvis)...

and this is Misty...

Charlie asleep
Some cats have done a lot of sleeping...
(J'accuse Charlie and Mrs P!)

Pod asleep

  Damn those paparazzi...
...and Charlie acquired a stalker :O)

For more kitty news visit Gattina's Cats on Tuesday!

Friday, 22 February 2013

What have I been up to...?

Helloooo again!  No I have not deserted blogland.  Just been trying to regain some balance in my life away from the MAC.  I seemed to be either at work or on the computer, with not much time left for the things I like doing, and feeling so limp the other week put things into perspective for me.  Anyway, fear not, my camera has been to hand and so here's a brief run-down of what I've been doing.

I went to Bosworth Battlefield...

Snow 5
We had a little more snow...

We walked around Batsford Arboretum...

Spiral leaf

We enjoyed some sunshine...

... and had lunch with friends and met
their two rather spiffing cats.
This is Misty.

So there you have it.  I've been chilling, but still photographically industrious - oh yes, and we also got to see Lincoln at Warwick Arts Centre which was excellent.  A bit The West Wing in period costume :O)

Have a great weekend everyone x

Sunday, 10 February 2013

I'm still here!

Just a note to say I'm still around - I've just been rather sick for the last couple of weeks and have been so lacking in energy or mental awareness that I've only just picked up my camera again!  Still not 100% but I made it out to Bosworth Battlefield this morning and took a picture of a puddle as proof...  There's also a pic of a weed-type plant that caught my eye...

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Just because it made me laugh...

Not one of mine - but I saw it on Facebook and decided it was worth sharing :O))

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Cats on Tuesday - and a bit with a dog...

Well the main cat news this week is that we took Charlie's glucose reading and it was 5.6, so hurrah for him!  Yesterday he was a little worried about all the attention that body he buried in a car park in Leicester was receiving, but now thinks he's got away with it, so that's ok.  Meanwhile, Mrs P was meant to go for her final antibiotic jab last night, but due to me not feeling very well this has been postponed until tonight (and you thought you'd got away with it Pod...)... Pepper has been in hibernation mode although did find the energy to lunge at Charlie once or twice to keep him on his toes.  I also popped in to see Bumble... who did her 'I am a terrifying ginger cat look' especially for the camera.

The cats will hate me for saying this but on Friday I did a photo shoot with a dog called Dudley.  He is a very friendly labrador who belongs to Corrie, one of the nice nurses at the cats' vets.  We were all very, very muddy by the end of the afternoon but a good time was had by all. 

Scary face, scary cat.

Mrs P...
Not scary - but may well be tonight.

Corrie and Dudley
Here are Corrie and Dudley sharing a joke...

Dudley 4
Here's Dudley grinning for the camera...

Dudley 2
... and here he is about to cover me in mud.